Second ITN Event – “Material and Enzyme Design School” started
FINALLY!!! This week INTERfaces holds its second ITN Event – “Material and Enzyme Design School” (and a meeting) and we can meet all our ESRs again.
So great to see all ESRs (Seika Ishii, Luisa Maren Merz, Kamela Myrtollari, Antía Pintor Labandeira, Karishma Shah, Nicoletta Cascelli, Lucija Ružić, Nicolette Czarnievicz, Iulia Rădoi, Jakub F. Kornecki, Chiara Danielli, Božidar Duić, Milica Milić and Philipp Petermeier), beneficiaries and partners again, even if “only” on-line. As we cannot do the teaching in person, it is going to be stretched out over the next weeks to cover all the topics and make it as good as possible. INTERfaces is looking forward to the catch up, to hear about the ESR projects and to discuss what happened in the last months. It is going to be a great week!